Saturday, November 22, 2008

Memorable Locations

"Through the years of our endeavors, for a richer, fuller life. We will cherish thee forever, though the days be filled with strife." Oh, if we had only known then, as we sang our school song, what we know now. I have been reading all the Random Thoughts posts and decided to add a new one to remember what I believe to be some of th memorable locations around our home town.
  1. The Drag (from the lumber yard past the two dips to the Bachellor's house was the short one, and to the cemetery was the long version)
  2. The Haunted House (you could go there for an archaeological reason or for no reason at all).
  3. Robertson Road...just a nice long diversion from the drag.
  4. The Char King restaurant was a great place in Lubbock to take a date for a terrific burger.
  5. The tree row...a long row of trees, north of town, which seemed cool on a hot summer day.
  6. Pierot's drug store. Awesome 25 cent chocolate sundaes, nickle cokes, crackers with french dressing, and a group of employees who were our parents every afternoon. Don't know how Wennie Bell and Odel put up with this every day. They received a lot of stars in their crowns.
  7. All the churches...where we dressed in our little suits and ties or poofy dresses and ate dinner afterwards, then read the funny papers, and returned to pray that night at six. If you were a fan of Bonanza, you ate leftovers while sitting around the TV that evening.
  8. The Quarter Mile Mark.....was a line drawn on the pavement at the cemetery and ended at Mr. Bradshaw's mail box. Bet he could have put us all behind bars!
  9. Shirley Lake....A small depression, we called a lake, on the then highway 82, just north of town. One time it froze almost solid which made for some fun times for Kenneth Lott, Mike Hurst, and a few others, spinning their cars round and round.
  10. Ralls Town Square....a place of adventure, or a place to take your life in your own hands if football rivalry was at a peek.
  11. Last, but of course not the least, in my thoughts, is a place called, "Frame of Mind". I go there often when life seems to have gotten a little sour and stale. Thinking of how wonderful that was. Knowing so many fantastic people and places of comfort, some are still with us and some have gone before. e.g. Fanny Taylor, Ilene Stobaugh, Jonny Albertson/Bowman, Rev. Jack Pierce, The Carters, The Beavers, The Chapmans, The O'rears, The Jennings, The Hursts, The Batchellors.....and on.

I usually read what Gerre has written so eloquently and shy away from setting pen to paper (ha), but I wanted to share with you my thoughts on this cloudy, dreary November day. Wishing all of you a blessed Thanksgiving. Be safe, be happy and be with the ones you love, if not in person, in your hearts. We truly are blessed.


Blogger Paula Phillips James said...

Jimmy, I think you do a fine job of writing on here. In fact, I think you and Gerre should co-author a book about Lorenzo and donate it to Mrs. Cherry and Mrs. Pyles...great English teachers. I have memories of all of these location, and I also recall these memories to the point where my family can even recite them. My kids even ASK me to tell them stories. Thanks for your humor(one of my greatest memories of you) and your insight about those wonderful times. P.

4:50 PM  
Blogger Paula Phillips James said...

Well, I noticed that I should have made "location" plural in the second sentence of that last comment. I usually wouldn't care, but I didn't want to include Mrs. C's and Mrs. P's names in a posting that was grammatically incorrect. No siree!!!

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friends, I'm grinning! Jimmy's "random thoughts" post is the most eloquent musing anyone has written/posted since I started this blog. Jim, you forgot one of our favorite Sunday afternoon places. Remember "Indian Hill?" I'm not sure if we ever found an arrowhead, but the rumor was that you could find one if you looked hard enough long enough.


How about someone else's "random thoughts?"

7:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy: I also think you do a fine job of writing. I had to smile at your "random thoughts". So many happy memories of Lorenzo. You have a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving and we hope to see you at the next reunion!!


(This shows up as anonymous because I can't remember my passwords).

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote a sonnet about Indian Hill when I was a Sophmore and made an A. You remember...14 lines of iambic pentameter. I, unsuprisingly, still have it. Here is is:

As I stand here among the leaves of fall, and watch the dust drift down this lonely lane, I hear the Meadow Lark's beautiful call, which sounds the warning of an autum's rain.
While here, the darkness falls upon my soul, and I am at rest an all the world's at peace. When here I stand above the crowd below, all my worries and troubles seem to cease.
God gave this little patch of land to me to share my thought with Him and Him alone.
I sometimes wonder why it has been shown to a someone lowly and not to thee.
So, take my hand and walk with me up there; and the luster of Autumn we will share.

James Rexall Lott 1964

10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can remember hanging out at Hughes Grocery next to the bank, but of course I am years older than you 'kids'. Do you remember Rainbow Girls? We had a night watchman in Lorenzo in the late fifties named, Foy Addison. He would let us ride around with him and listen to the police CB. Why that was fun I am not sure now. Gerre, thank you for sending the bolg. I enjoy reading all the fun 'stuff'. Have a fun and blessed Thanksgiving. Joan Yoakum

11:35 AM  
Blogger Gerre Joiner said...

Joan: I remember Rainbow girls. Don't remember Addison. I remember Ec (spelling) Lane. I sure remember Oscar Hughes' grocery. He had more candy in that store than anything else. He was such a huge man. I wondered if he could get up off the stool behind the register if a fire broke out in that crowded store. I remember going in one time by myself while Coy Keene held our horses. When I came back, one of the horses was standing on Coy's foot. Can't remember if it was my horse or Coy's, but he was in a world of hurt and couldn't get the nag off his foot until I came back out of the store, found him, and helped.

4:05 PM  

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